Mission Codes

Mission numbers are shown where available on the mission pages. There is a wide range of formats used for Air Mobility Command mission numbers, but fortunately only a few are used on the missions covered here.

The information on the significance of the codes used was deduced from analysis of many mission numbers and the missions they represent. Terms used are unofficial and their meaning may be inaccurate or wrong.

The last three characters are always digits representing the day-of-year that the (current version of the) mission was filed. The first character usually shows the filing “command”, and for a 62nd Airlift Wing mission this will usually be P. The third character determines the format of the remaining elements.

Special Assignment Airlift Mission (Cat 0 & Cat 1)

PAM102071226 │││└┬─┘├┘└┬┘ └┼┼─┼──┼──┼──────── mission origin: “command” where mission was filed: ││ │ │ │ A = Atlantic (east CONUS, Europe, Africa, Middle East) ││ │ │ │ L = aLaska (Alaska, Hawaii) ││ │ │ │ P = Pacific (west CONUS, Pacific, east Asia) ││ │ │ │ J = Air National Guard ││ │ │ │ U = eUropean Command ││ │ │ │ X = Air Force Reserve ││ │ │ │ └┼─┼──┼──┼──────── mission phase: │ │ │ │ J = Join (positioning, start) │ │ │ │ A = Airlift │ │ │ │ V = recoVer (positioning, end) │ │ │ │ └─┼──┼──┼──────── mission type: │ │ │ M = Special Assignment Airlift Mission │ │ │ └──┼──┼──────── mission identification │ │ 1000..9999 = serial (there are subdivisions within this range) │ │ └──┼──────── mission aircraft serial │ 01..69 = routine │ 71..79 = high priority │ A..Z,1..9 = VIP support │ 1..9,E = evaluation? │ └──────── day of year current version was filed 001..365/366

Routine Mission (Cat 2)

PEN05TZ04203 │││├┘├┘├┘└┬┘ └┼┼┼─┼─┼──┼──────── "command" where mission was filed: │││ │ │ │ as above │││ │ │ │ └┼┼─┼─┼──┼──────── ? ││ │ │ │ A,C,D,E,F,J,U,V = ? ││ │ │ │ └┼─┼─┼──┼──────── type of mission: │ │ │ │ N = ? │ │ │ │ └─┼─┼──┼──────── wing identification │ │ │ 02 = 436th Airlift Wing │ │ │ 03 = 436th Airlift Wing │ │ │ 04 = 60th Air Mobility Wing │ │ │ 05 = 62nd Airlift Wing │ │ │ 06 = 305th Air Mobility Wing │ │ │ 08 = 437th Airlift Wing │ │ │ └─┼──┼──────── mission identification │ │ └──┼──────── squadron or aircrew identification │ 04 = 4th Airlift Squadron │ 07 = 7th Airlift Squadron │ 08 = 8th Airlift Squadron │ └──────── day of year current version was filed 001..365/366

Flight data mainly from ADS-B Exchange, additional material from Plane Finder and Flightradar24

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